Dec 27, 2024

Air flights in Gulmi blocked for last four months

Air flights in Gulmi blocked for last four months

GULMI, Oct 27:Air flights in Gulmi have been repeatedly  halted over the previous four months. Air flights have been disrupted in the district since the second week of the previous Asar. Due to inclement weather, air service has been disrupted for an extended period of time, causing further complications for passengers.

Passengers say that even after reserving their tickets, they have to wait for hours at the airport, but when the last flight is rescheduled, they are really upset. Even during the festival, flights are constantly halted, which has enraged the locals.

Suman Thapa, station chief at Resunga Airport, stated that flight service has been discontinued since Asar 14 due to poor weather conditions caused by dense fog.

He stated that Nepal Airlines was unable to fly owing to inclement weather, despite regular flights twice a week. "Because of terrible weather, just five air flights have been undertaken in the district since the second week of previous Asar.

Nepal Airlines Corporation flies an 18-seat Twin Otter on the Gulmi-Kathmandu route.  Initially, flights were scheduled four times a week to accommodate passenger demand.

The ticket from Resunga to Kathmandu is 7,300 rupees, with an additional 7,500 rupees for the return flight. Regular commercial air service has been operating in the district for about a year.
