Jul 27, 2024

Aanbookhaireni Rural Municipality begins motorboat service to Marsyangdi reservoir

Aanbookhaireni Rural Municipality begins motorboat service to Marsyangdi reservoir

TANAHUN, April 16:Aanbookhaireni Rural Municipality has begun a motor boat at the reservoir of Marsyangdi Hydropower Center, which is located on Prithvi Highway.

BB (Bishnu) Dhakal, president of Bote Bora Pvt Ltd, announced that the motorboat service provider company Botebora has entered into a deal with the rural municipality and begin commercial operation of motorboats on Sunday.

According to Dhakal, the motorboat was operating in the reservoir for a one-crore rupee investment.

The company plans to invest more and build a structure with a 'beach restaurant', floating deck, river viewpoint, toilet, and motorboat service center on the shore of the reservoir.

Two motorboats named Agni and Fishtail built by Nepal Ship and Boat Building, the first and largest motorboat manufacturer in Nepal, have been put into operation.

While inaugurating  the motorboat on Sunday, Hari Bahadur Chuman, Gandaki province's minister without portfolio, expressed his satisfaction that he was able to operate the boat despite numerous challenges.

Chuman stressed that municipalities should take the initiative to promote inter-municipal tourism in the future.

Chuman stated that by improving the road connecting Chimkeshwari of Aanbookhaireni, Tanahun's highest point, and Bandipur, the queen of the hills, the provincial administration intends to encourage tourism and improve rural life in the area.

According to Shukar Chuman, chairman of the Aanbookhaireni  Rural Municipality, after two years of labor, Aanbookhaireni has succeeded in making the municipality a tourist hub by marketing numerous locations such as Mirror Mountain, Chimkeshwari, and Homestay.

Various prices have been set based on the time it takes to travel by motorboat. According to the company, a motorboat ride costs 250 rupees per person for 6 to 8 minutes, 500 rupees for 10 to 12 minutes, and thousand rupees per person for 15 to 20  .
