Sep 08, 2024

Nepal Life Insurance provided traffic police checking board

Nepal Life Insurance provided traffic police checking board

KATHMANDU:The Nepal Life Insurance Company provided the traffic police with a checking board worth around 1.8 million rupees.

On Wednesday, the company's Chief Executive Officer, Pravinaraman Parajuli, handed 190 checking boards to the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Poshraj Pokharel, during a special event at the Kathmandu Valley Traffic Police Office in Ramshahpath.

Parajuli, the company's CEO, stated that the traffic checking board has been provided as part of corporate social responsibility to make the checking done by the traffic police more systematic and safe for traffic management and accident reduction at various places in Kathmandu Valley.

In addition, it is stated that the company will carry out the necessary maintenance for the following five years to ensure the ongoing usage of the said inspection boards.

Poshraj Pokharel, Deputy Inspector General of the Kathmandu Valley Traffic Police Office, spoke at the ceremony and praised the company for their assistance. He stated that this assistance will assist traffic police in reducing traffic accidents while also improving traffic management efficiency. He stated that he hopes to conduct traffic and road safety initiatives in collaboration with Nepal Life Insurance Company in the future.
