Sep 08, 2024

Kailash Helicopter appoints Muktinath Capital as Issue Manager for IPO

Kailash Helicopter appoints Muktinath Capital as Issue Manager for IPO

KATHMANDU, Jan 23:Kailash Helicopter Services has appointed Muktinath Capital as the Issuance and Sale Manager for the IPO. The company, which now has 350 million in issued capital, plans to issue 350,000 IPO shares at a premium price.

The IPO issuance agreement was signed by Pratapjang Pandey, Managing Director of Kailash Helicopters, and Kabindra dhoj Joshi, CEO of Muktinath Capital.

Currently, the company owns three helicopters. The company distributed 5% bonus shares and 10% cash dividends to stockholders from its past fiscal year's profit.
