NAC resume flight at Resunga Airport after 3 months

GULMI, Sep 15:After three months, regular flights from Gulmi's Resunga airport began. The flight has been disrupted since the final week of May due to adverse weather.
Suman Thapa, in charge of the Nepal Airlines Resunga station, said that the aircraft took off on Friday when the weather improved. On Friday, 11 travelers traveled from Kathmandu to Gulmi.
From Resunga to Kathmandu, there were only three passengers. Flights were frequently canceled due to inclement weather, and passenger confidence was dwindling.
Thapa stated that depending on the weather, he would fly one day every week on Friday. The Civil Aviation Authority has granted them permission to fly two days each week.
At 6:30 a.m., an aircraft from Kathmandu to Resunga Airport departs. The flight from Resunga Airport to Kathmandu departs at 7:45 a.m.
Lately, the rent has increased with the government increasing the rent. Thapa said that the fare rate for Resunga to Kathmandu is Rs 7,080 and for Kathmandu to Resunga is Rs 7,280.
Commercial flights started from Resunga Airport in the last week of May. In this airline, flights are using (VFR) system.
The authority concludes that Resunga Airport is suitable for flights only in the morning. An 18-seat capacity aircraft flies from the airport.