Apr 25, 2024

Prabhu and Mahalaxmi Life jointly lunches calendar

Prabhu and Mahalaxmi Life  jointly lunches calendar

KATHMANDU:The 2080 year calendar was jointly unveiled on Tuesday by Prabhu Life Insurance and Mahalaxmi Life Insurance. Surya Prasad Silwal, the Nepal Insurance Authority's chairman, made the announcement about the jointly published calendar of both companies on Tuesday during a brief program at the Nepal Insurance Authority.

Following a directive from the Nepal Insurance Authority requiring life insurance companies to reach 500 crore in paid-up capital by the year 2079 Chaitra, Prabhu and Mahalaxmi Life have decided to merge. He claimed that the consolidated business had been delayed due to the late arrival of the evaluation report from the Indian insurance company of the two companies that had signed the agreement for the merger on June 30, 2079.

The final stage of internal housekeeping for the merger has been reached, and both companies' 2080 calendars state that they want to inspire confidence that the merger will be completed even if there is a delay in the consolidated business.

The calendar public event was attended by Ramesh Kumar Bhattarai, Chief Executive Officer of Mahalaxmi Life, Raju Raman Paudel, Executive Director of the Authority, Dinesh Lal Karna, Director, and Santosh Prasai, Chief Executive Officer of Prabhu Life.
