Apr 23, 2024

IME Pay and Mero Kirana agreement for discount scheme

IME Pay and Mero Kirana agreement for discount scheme

KATHMANDU, Nov 24: An agreement has been reached between IME Pay and Mero Kirana for discount.In this offer launched targeting Mero Kirana Mahabachat 'Sales week, customers can get 15% discount (up to a maximum of Rs.300 at a time) by scanning Smart QR from IME Pay when purchasing groceries from Mero Kirana's website or app However, not only during the Mahabachat sales week, customers will also get a total of Rs. 600 and can get a discount.

After the agreement between IME Pay and Mero Kirana, which are leaders in their respective fields, both companies believe that it will be easier for customers to enter or continue with digital technology.
