Apr 26, 2024

IPO share of People's Power listed in NEPSE

IPO share of People's Power listed in NEPSE


KATHMANDU, Oct 13: The IPO share of People's Power Limited was listed on the Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) today.

A total of 63 lakh 26 thousand shares of this company have been listed in NEPSE IPO. In which 32 lakh 26 thousand shares belong to the founding group, 24 lakh 67 thousand 400 shares belong to the general public and 6 lakh 32 thousand 600 shares belong to the local people.

With the listing of the IPO in NEPSE, now the shares of this company will be traded in the secondary market from Sunday. In the IPO of any company, it comes into business from the second day of its listing in NEPSE. However, since there will be no trading on Friday and the next day is on Saturday, the shares of this company will be trading from Sunday.

NEPSE has provided this company with PPL transaction signals. For the first transaction, NEPSE has set the opening range from a minimum of 94.96 rupees to a maximum of 284.88 rupees per share.

If the shares of this company are bought and sold within the range set by NEPSE in the special pre-open session on Sunday, trading will be opened for regular hours. The IPO of People's Power was sold from August 16 to August 21. The allotment of this IPO was done on 28th of August.

People's Power's IPO sale was opened through Prabhu Capital Limited.

Meanwhile, the company has selected Prabhu Capital Limited as the share registrar for registrar-related work. As a share registrar, Prabhu Capital will keep records related to People's Power's securities transactions, cancel filings, transfer names, deposit dividends and bonuses to the beneficiary's account, and update and update the shareholders' fees, including withholding of shares.
