Sep 08, 2024

Mero Job's AI ATS will recommend best candidates

Mero Job's AI ATS will recommend best candidates

KATHMANDU:Mero Job, an online employment platform, has introduced an artificial intelligence (ATS) 'Application Tracking System' to help companies select the best employees.

The AI will recommend the best applicant based on the job applications uploaded by the employer on Mero Job's system. Mero Job AI has eliminated the hassle of employers having to go through each applicant's profile one by one.

Previously, the employer company had to go through the profiles of each applicant one by one. Now, the AI will select the individuals that the organization is searching for from the applications and propose them for hiring.

Shailendra Raj Giri, the company's managing director, stated that the company's managing director, Shailendra Raj Giri, has devised a 'application tracking system' to streamline the process of selecting talented labor in Nepal, as the global market moves toward the race of AI.

He clarified: "When thousands of people have applied for a vacancy, it becomes very difficult for an employer to screen everyone's profile." Our AI algorithm recommends selecting an employee in order of what the employer is searching for from among the applicants for the vacancy.

Mero Job has developed an AI system called the 'Application Tracking System' over a one-year period.  For the past decade and a half, the organization has worked to simplify the job hunting process.
