Sep 08, 2024

Citizens Bank organized 'Partner for Progress' Facebook video contest

Citizens Bank organized 'Partner for Progress' Facebook video contest

KATHMANDU:Citizens Bank conducted a Facebook video competition called 'Partner for Progress' to increase customer engagement.

The bank introduced the competition to recognize and honor individuals or organizations who support personal or professional development and contribute to positive change in people's lives.

"The purpose of the video competition is to express how important the role of a partner is to bring about positive life changes, be it a friend, relative, or any member of the family or any association, the friend of your progress by making a video with him," the bank's statement adds. The bank feels that even one person's real-life success story can serve as an inspiration to others, and the video competition will do just that.

Inspirational stories can be submitted to the contest as a short mobile video or Facebook reel.

The bank has a requirement to make a video with a duration of up to one minute and write Partner for Progress in English with a hashtag, upload the video to Facebook, and tag Citizens Bank's Facebook page.

Also, the video's audience should be the public. According to the bank, the first, second, and third best videos in the competition will receive cash prizes of 50,000, 30,000, and 20,000 rupees, respectively. This tournament will run during the month of Jestha.
