Sep 19, 2024

Over 70 people scale Mount Everest in three days

Over 70 people scale Mount Everest in three days

KATHMANDU, May 12:Over the previous three days, more than 70 climbers and guides have successfully ascended Mount Everest, the world's highest mountain.

"More than 70 climbers and guides have been reported to have successfully climbed Mount Everest by 1.30 pm on Sunday," said Rakesh Gurung, Director of the Tourism Department's Adventure and Mountaineering Branch.

According to Kali Bahadur Bhujel, spokesperson for the Department of Tourism, rope fixing for this season's Mount Everest ascent was completed last Friday. "On Friday at 8:15 p.m., ten people successfully scaled Mount Everest while dangling the rope. "This was the first team to summit Mount Everest this season," stated spokeswoman Bhujel.

After they finished stringing the rope, the other climbers left the fourth camp for the Everest summit. "The number of climbers and guides in reaching the summit of Everest is almost equal," stated Director Gurung. 

According to the department, 414 persons from 41 teams have been received approved to climb Mount Everest this season. Those who received approval included 75 women and 339 men. This approval was issued to them between March 1 and May 7. The government has received 592.3 million five thousand 849 rupees for granting permission to climb Mount Everest.

During that time, 971 persons from 112 teams were approved to climb 30 different mountains in Nepal. Those who have gained approval include 202 women and 769 males. According to the department, the government collected revenue Rs 6747 million 14 thousand 61 during that period for approving various mountain climbing.
