Sep 20, 2024

Political parties urge construction of cable car to Pathibhara Temple begin immediately

Political parties urge construction of cable car to Pathibhara Temple begin immediately

TAPLEJUNG, March 12:All of the district's political parties requested that the cable car construction in Taplejung's Pathibhara begin immediately.

The meeting of all political parties represented in Parliament, called by the District Administration Office Taplejung, made public their official views on cable car construction and committed to facilitate it.

This decision was made at an all-party conference convened by Chief District Officer Hiradevi Paudel after the cable car company requested that construction begin promptly and that peace and security provisions be made for it.

The political parties present at the meeting have pledged to use their official opinions to promote the construction of the cable car.

Representatives from several parties present at the conference stated that because the cable car is vital to Taplejung's overall development, employment, and identity, they will establish the required atmosphere for its construction to begin immediately.

The IME Group is planning to build a cable car from Phungling -11 Kaflepati to the Pathibhara temple in Taplejung. Taplejung's Pathibhara area is significant in terms of religion, tourism, and history in Eastern Nepal.
