Feb 07, 2025

Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank launches online account opening through video KYC

Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank launches online account opening through video KYC

KATHMANDU:Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank has released a module that allows users to open accounts online and update their identity information.

The module's release eliminates the need for the customer to be present when opening a bank account. Although it was previously possible to open the account online, the user was required to visit the bank in person to update their information.

Customers can update their customer identification details (KYC) by scheduling an appointment with a bank representative during the online account opening process, or by recording the requested documents and other necessary details.

To access this service, customers must first open an account and update their information on the bank's digital platform, www.digiaccount.kamanasewabank.com.

The bank's implementation of this system will allow people in the country and overseas to open a variety of accounts based on their needs. According to the bank, Nepali people working abroad can create accounts and use services like Demat and Mero Share.

The bank has also released thorough information about the online account opening process. The video, according to the bank, has been posted on its website and other social media platforms.

The bank has been delivering services through 135 networks and 77 ATMs placed throughout the country.
