Sep 20, 2024

Hydropower construction adverse effects on rafting tourism

Hydropower construction adverse effects on rafting tourism

KATHMANDU, Dec 18:Rafting tourism entrepreneurs have expressed concern that the construction of 'hydropower' in the Trishuli River is going to affect rafting tourism. Gandaki rural municipality-1 Buttar in Gorkha and Ichchakamana-3 Chumkhola in Chitwan have raised fear that the 100 MW Super Trishuli Hydropower Project, which is now under development, may generate a water travel tourist crisis.

Megh Ale, the coordinator of the Trishuli Save Campaign, stated that the development of hydropower in this area, which is a popular destination for adventure travelers from around the world, will put the rafting industry in jeopardy. Rafting pros and workers revere Trishuli River as the "Mother River of Adventure Rafting," according to him.

The organizer went on to say, "Trishuli River is the first choice of adventure travel tourists from all over the world, Rafting tourism entrepreneurs and workers worship Trishuli River as the mother river of adventure travel." He stated that around 3000 employees are at danger of losing their jobs.

The Trishuli Bachau Abhiyaan organized rafting and a rally on the roadway from Ichchakamana-3 fisling in Chitwan to the Gandaki-1 Buttatar hydropower dam in Gorkha on Saturday. The building of hydropower in the area, according to the environmental impact assessment, will also have an influence on the environment and tourism activities, and tourism professionals have demanded that the work be halted.

Shiva Adhikari, President of the Nepal Association of Rafting Agencies (NARA), stated during the ceremony that the building of hydropower will destroy the rafting tourism industry's whole investment. He stated that the Trishuli River has been designated as the adventure sailing university. He claims that Nepalis can work even if they travel to other nations after completing rafting training in Nepal.

Although other rivers in Nepal may be suitable for hydropower development, the Trishuli river, which is the most popular with tourists for rafting, will result in the loss of thousands of jobs and the loss of businessmen's investments if hydropower is built in this area, Trishuli is the most popular of the 16 rivers that the government has freed up for rafting.
