Sep 21, 2024

Experts stress on making air travel safe and reliable

Experts stress on making air travel safe and reliable

KATHMNADU, August 22: The 10th edition of the 'Aviation Safety Campaign' has started with the aim of making the country's air flights more safe, reliable and quality. In the four-day campaign organized by the Airlines Operators Association of Nepal, theoretical and practical knowledge will be exchanged for security system improvement.

Inaugurating the program, the Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Budhisagar Lamichhane said that all mechanisms are active to make the security management system agile and effective to make air flights safe. He expressed the belief that such campaigns will help in the short-term and long-term improvement of the country's economy as air travel is not only a suitable means of 'connectivity'.

Lamichhane mentioned that the active role of all stakeholders is needed to enhance the capacity of air service providers and strengthen cooperation. He pointed out that not only the technical aspects but also the managerial side, skilled manpower, and the need for a healthy environment within the organization are indispensable for reducing the potential risk of air accidents.

Deputy Director General of the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) Prem Nath Thakur mentioned that the authority is making policy and structural reforms to make air flights safe and quality. According to Thakur, the authority is conducting separate 'observations' related to weather forecasts in collaboration with the Weather Forecast Division for the improvement of air safety systems and safe flight,

He informed that given the tourist season, the authority is going to make flights safe by arranging cameras and other equipment 'en route' to get information about the seasonal activities of Lukla Airport.

There is a plan to expand this system to the airports where flights to the main tourist destinations are carried out. Yeti Airlines Chief Executive Officer Anuj Rimal mentioned that coordination and cooperation between regulators and operators is necessary to enhance air service safety. The general secretary of the association Manoj Karki informed that training will be given on two days on 'Human Factor' and two days on 'Aviation Safety Management System' in the program. The flight-related staff of various airlines participated in the program, which consisted of training by local and foreign aviation experts.

