Sep 21, 2024

7th convention of NATTA Koshi Province scheduled for August 19

7th convention of NATTA Koshi Province scheduled for August 19

KATHMANDU, August 15: The seventh convention of the Nepal Association of Tour and Travel Agents (NATTA) Koshi Province is set to be held on August 19, 2023.   
Punya Bhattarai, senior vice president of NATTA, said that the work of preparing the convention and inviting participants is underway. The convention plans to discuss various issues including selecting new leadership and reviewing the work done by the outgoing committee.
Shrestha shared that the committee had reduced the travel agency registration fee from Rs 500,000 to Rs 100,000, and organized a tourism-related program in Mechinagar with the participation of more than 80 travel businessmen from India, along with more than 20 tourism businessmen from Nepal, Siliguri, Guwahati, and Shillong in India and 'North during his tenure. He gave brief information about the completion of the North East Sales Mission and the Health Tourism Mart with more than 50 stalls of hospitals and tourism professionals in Birtamord.
According to Shrestha, preparations are being made to declare Koshi province as the tourism capital of the country from the local and provincial levels, adding that the members of NATTA, local intellectuals, various associations, and media workers should support this.
