Sep 21, 2024

Tourism entrepreneurs urge CAAN to allow flights after operation hours in Karnali

Tourism entrepreneurs urge CAAN to allow flights after operation hours in Karnali

KATHMANDU, August 6: Tourism professionals of Karnali have requested the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) to allow regular flights to the region as long as the weather is favorable.

Earlier the regular had directed rural airports across the country to not allow flights after operation hours citing flight safety reasons during the monsoons. 

Stating that the region is highly dependent on air transport for entry of tourists and basic necessities, businessmen have requested the authority to correct their decision further flight disruptions in the region will take a toll on the daily lives of locals of Karnali. .

"We respect the decision of CAAN but flights should be allowed after the cooperation hours into the region in the case the weather is favorable,” Karnali Tourism Entrepreneurs Society chairman Devi Krishna Rokaya said.   

Also, the society has taken the initiative to bring the operation of the Hilsa corridor to its original condition. The meeting has decided to request the government to take diplomatic initiatives to bring the Hilsa border into operation as it was prior to the spread of COVID-19.

The meeting presided over by President Rokaya made five decisions related to tourism in Karnali, including initiatives to bring the border into operation.

It has been decided to arrange for flight permits to be taken from the authority office in Nepalgunj.

At present, airlines fly to Karnali in the off-season and to other areas during the tourist seasons. The meeting also decided that an airline company should be arranged to conduct at least one flight to Karnali throughout the year.

Sof ar, Sita, Summit and Tara Airlines have been conducting flights to rural areas of the country including Karnali. 

