Sep 21, 2024

Large-scale hotels start operation in Galeshwardham following uptick in tourist arrivals

Large-scale hotels start operation in Galeshwardham following uptick in tourist arrivals

KATHMANDU, August 4: The opening of new hotels has increased alongside a spike in tourist arrivals at Galeshwardham, a famous religious place located in Beni Municipality-9 of Myagdi. The Galeshwar Temple located in the corridor of Kaligandi has recently started witnessing tourists who opted for the area as a dynamic destination

Galeshwardham, also known as the gateway to Mustang, has seen an increase in the number of Indian religious tourists in the last few years. Due to its proximity to the Beni market and peaceful environment, Galeshwar has started to become the choice of tourists for staying.

Tourists do not stay in Galeshwar as a result the increase in number of hotels with facilities is less as locations like Hotel Paradise, Hotel Taj Mahal and Hotel Riverside have started operation.

Hotel Taj Mahal was opened two years ago. Padam Chantyal, owner of Hotel Paradise, said that as the number of tourists started to increase, the opening of new hotels increased. He said that there is a shortage of hotels during the tourist season.

Baburam Acharya, the owner of Hotel Yak, who has been doing hotel business in Benibazar for 20 years, is building a new hotel with facilities in Galeshwar area with an investment of around Rs 140 million on two ropani of land.

"Seeing the prospects surrounding the Galeshwar area as a centre of religious tourism in the future, I have put forward the plan for the construction of a new hotel," said Acharya, the owner of Hotel Yak, "Galeshwar is an important area in terms of religious tourism and with the recent increase in tourist arrivals, we have realised the need for a hotel and are preparing for the operation of a new hotel,” he shard.

He expressed his belief that the number of tourists will further increase after the Beni-Jomsom-Korla road is upgraded adding that the area was chosen for the new hotel because of its peaceful environment, religious area and cool climate as a result of nearby flowing Kali Gandaki river.

