Sep 23, 2024

Tourists increases in Bandipur on New Year

Tourists increases in Bandipur on New Year

TANAHUN, Jan 03: On the occasion of New Year, the tourist activity has increased in Bandipur, a tourist town of Tanahun.

Vaish Gurung, owner of Hotel Durbar Himalayan, said that domestic and foreign tourists came to Bandipur with the purpose of celebrating the New Year and sightseeing. "On the occasion of the English New Year, there are more domestic tourists than foreigners", said Gurung. According to him, more tourists are expected to come to Bandipur from this evening.

Tourists who go to Pokhara, Chitwan or elsewhere to celebrate the New Year have started coming to Bandipur for the past few years. "This year a street food festival has been organized in Bandipur, the trend of celebrating the new year within the district without going elsewhere has increased", said Gurung, "this is good for Bandipur's tourism."

Chairman Kisan Pradhan of Bandipur Tourism Development Committee said that Bandipur is full of domestic tourists with the new year. With the onset of winter, the tourist traffic naturally increases in Bandipur. Bandipur has more tourists on holidays than other days.

Bandipur is reached after an 8 km uphill journey from the headquarters Damauli to 18 km via Dumre. From where one can observe picturesque snow ranges, mountains, and Takura. From Bandipur, which is full of natural beauty, you can see snow ranges like Annapurna, Machhapuchhre, Dhawalagiri etc.

Houses built in Bhaktapur style, Tundikhel, Thanimai, Tindhara, Ranivan, Ramkot, Sunakhari, Khaddevi Temple, Vindhyavasini Temple, Mahalakshmi Temple, Information Center etc. are the first choice of tourists coming here. There are 77 small and big hotels affiliated to the hotel association in Bandipur.

Surendra Thapa, Chairman of Bandipur Rural Municipality, said that the traditional houses in Bandipur have helped tourism here. Locals say that the Newars who came from Bhaktapur and Banepa built houses and roads in Bhaktapur style in the 18th century. Even now in Bandipur, originality is adopted in house construction.

Due to the increasing number of tourists due to the attractiveness of the old houses, the rural municipality has prohibited the construction of modern and western style houses within the market area.
