Sep 23, 2024

Vice President Pun observes International Mountain Museum

Vice President Pun observes International Mountain Museum

GANDAKI, Oct 16 : Vice President Nanda Bahadur Pun today observed the International Mountain Museum at Pokhara Metropolitan City-17.

He keenly observed the materials and activities related to mountain that have been put on display at the museum, said the museum director Nirmala Kumari Neupane. 

Materials and activities related to mountain climbing, trekking, skiing, animal hunting and research and specifying social, cultural and religious activities in the mountain, origin of world's mountain ranges, geographical importance, wildlife, vegetation and minerals have been put on display at 13 sub chambers in the museum building. 

On the occasion, Vice President Pun signed a visitor logbook kept at the museum. He also pointed out important role of the museum to promote tourism.

Established by the Nepal Mountaineering Association, the museum has provided a platform for researchers and students in mountain sector, said Neupane. 
